Saturday, July 14, 2007

jerk on end of line

This wrasse was caught near Longreach - safely away from the new no-go Rottnest fishing zones.

He was thrown back: a Rotto Bloggo associate described the wrasse as rubbish.

We see we were using terminal tackle as we wet a line: "Some examples of terminal tackle include weights, floats, and swivels".

What about those new no-go zones?

The new zones are at Green Island, West End and Armstrong Bay; existing zones at Parker Point and Kingston Reef have been extended.

You can still fish from about 83 per cent of the Rotto shore.

Yes, but a couple of the new verboten spots were nice spots.

We can't find much in the way of reaction to the changes.

There was this in a Recfishwest statement last year:

"Recreational fishers also want a future for Rottnest, but not one where we are being told that we are the only problem and where there is a no balanced approach. Recreational fishers have done more for the aquatic conservation of this state than any other group yet this is never recognised by the green fringe who think that locking up the world will solve all its problems."

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