Thursday, May 29, 2008

tatty Thomson

We stayed in central Thomson last week. Gorgeous of course: watching dolphins and Mr Percival from the balcony. Waking up to wonderful sunrises, and seeing the rain lash Perth. At night you can see the Maritime Museum in Freo and the lights from Subiaco Oval.

But it's got to be said: the building is pretty shabby and needs some TLC. We're not talking plasma TVs, a gleaming espresso maker and wireless Internet: more attention to the basics.

The place needed a thorough clean. Witness the ooze stuck to the ceiling of the bathroom/toilet. Most unwholesome. Back in the distant past, when Rotto Bloggo was a carefree tenant, that was the sort of thing that made property managers cross.

New paint is needed, especially on the balcony and other woodwork. Could also benefit from some sponging and elbow grease.

Inside, the furnishings are not quite from a day in the life of Ivan Denisovich, but they're close. The cushions on the sofa are mismatched and worn, covered in lots of hair and lumpy. The matresses are pretty thin and unyielding. Even though they're worn, we like the curtains which incorporate Rottnest motifs. That curtain quokka is more realistic than the Rottnest Brown Quokka Hat ($15.99 at the general store).

We had a look at South Thomson last week - aka Nappy Alley. Much nicer there. Regular readers of Rotto Bloggo will remember our coverage last year of that area being refurbished.

We don't expect luxury during our time on the beautiful island. Far from it. And the above issues won't stop us from being there again. Ramshackle can be charming. But let's not let standards slip too far.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:05 PM

    hello, great site!
    I was wondering do you know if they have refurbed these yet? I am just curious about the curtains, if examples still exist, i would kill to have some.
