Sunday, June 01, 2008

aren't all gropers blue?

No more catching any western blue groper at Rotto. The Man has said from today the fishies will be safe within the Rottnest Island Marine Reserve, which includes all waters surrounding the island, extending to about two km offshore.

“The shallow reefs around Rottnest Island provide an ideal environment for divers to observe these iconic fish in their natural habitat,” Fisheries Minister Jon Ford said.

“Protecting these wonderful fish in this unique area will add to the dive tourism values of Rottnest - and add to the environmental legacy we leave for future generations.”

Right right. "Blue groper are a serious angling proposition and present an exciting fishing challenge to anglers that chase big fish off our rocky southern coastline", says this Western Angler page. Not any more.

"Blue groper are best recognised by their prominent fleshy lips and peg-like teeth. Smaller specimens are generally found inshore and are greyish brown in colour, to match their surrounding habitat. As they mature and grow their colour changes through olive green to a glorious blue as they grow larger and move offshore," says the WA.

The fishing on Rotto last week was very satisfying. Rotto Bloggo's associate believes you have to put in maximum effort to get to a choice fishing spot - as you can see from the photo we had to endure a vertiginous descent before we could wet our lines. Getting back up was a toil as well.

Not sure what the green fish is here but we threw him back.

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