Monday, September 14, 2009


Cute Rotto animal picture alert: here's a close-up of one of the island pelicans.

This is also from Geoff V, who sent in the pic of the cavorting kiddies in Thomson with Mr Percival close by.

There's speculation the scarring on this guy's proboscis is from a fish hook.

In other island news, Rotto Bloggo has a competitor! At long last someone else has taken up the Rottnest blogging challenge. Chuck's blog is here - he also has blogs called Perth Tomorrow and Bassendean Tomorrow.

Chuck's latest Rotto post calls for more accommodation on the beautiful island.

Only 27 days until Rotto Bloggo's latest Geordie Bay sojourn...the countdown has begun.


  1. Anonymous8:28 AM

    Chuckie should learn to use a capital letter for Rottnest.

  2. shazza9:46 AM

    More accommodation on Rottnest? He doesn't mention the 5 stages of grief does he?

  3. Anonymous10:05 AM

    Baby steps, shazza - he's just started.
