Saturday, February 21, 2009

Cohen wins

It's all over for another year, and a Cohen is a big winner.

According to WA Today, James Cohen led the teams winner at the swim.

David Graham, Simon Huitenga and Chris Timms were with the Rotto champ.

David Cox was first man in, Jaime Bowler was first woman and the Nederpelts were first due.

"That final 400m into Thompson Bay is exhilarating - for teams, duos, and solos alike. This may be because you can see the beer garden at the pub," said Simon Beaumont in this other WA Today item.

At least the image is by us.


  1. Anonymous9:55 PM

    A relation?

  2. I wouldn't be surprised Lizabeth. we're both winners, and out physiques are almost identical...
