Saturday, March 06, 2010

Richard's big poo on Rotto

Gosh, we were excited on Thursday: there, at the bottom of a rant about trading hours, a man in a suit aired his opinion about the beautiful island.

After we read the Perth Now story we reckoned the rest of the media might miss the Rottnest angle - but no.

The beady-eyed Beatrice Thomas had a full report in The West the next day. And today there is more (too costly? too elitist?) which puts paid to our feeble planned efforts.

From PerthNow: 'He said he had returned from a recent holiday with his family at Rottnest and said sections of it were ``run down'' and it ``was a good example where free enterprise could do a better job that public ownership''.'

The West expanded: '"If you looked around Rottnest last weekend the place was magnificent," Mr Goyder said.

"The people who had been rewarded through risk-taking and innovation were there with their boats en masse, and that was terrific.

"And when you go back to the Rottnest Hotel, you see the real benefits of investment and greater service, making a return for the people who took that risk.'

Yes! Wealthy yachties and employers are good! So good they should run the villas and bungalows, too! There is nothing more magificent than a risk-taking innovator (or an innovating risk-taker) in his boat in Thomson Bay!

Was Richard Goyder on a nice yacht, or in the "decayed" or "crumbling" accommodation, we wonder?

Perhaps we will ask after all.


  1. shazza6:45 AM

    Can I give a tip for those that don't know David? You can do a shop at Coles in Fremantle the day before you head to the island and they deliver it to your door on Rotto.

  2. Anonymous1:43 PM

    I loved the quote in the West which said, "The people who had been rewarded through risk-taking and innovation were there with their boats en masse, and that was terrific." It reminded me of an infamous entrepreneur in the past who had a reef blasted to better facilitate his huge stink boat.

    I think the island authority does a pretty efficient job of managing the place these days. Handing the villas and bungalows over to greed-driven private operators would be a disaster.

  3. shazza7:01 PM

    I agree fremantlebiz. You only have to look at the tacky monstrosities these people live in to get an idea of which direction they want to take the island.
